1)Liberals are arrogant
-According to Skye (who is apparently getting back at her hippie parents for giving her such an easily mocked name), liberal guys have "a sense of smug arrogance." She continues, gracefully and respectfully, "There are times when I have dated liberals and there is an arrogance that pervades every facet of their personality. It's not just a political thing with them; it's a lifestyle."
2)Liberals are whiny
-Kit Lange, who also writes for gatheringofeagles.org (no, it isn't a Stephen Colbert parody) says that liberals are "very selfish and want you to baby them." She then goes on to give her description of a guy that she recently went on a date with, who she could automatically tell was, dun dun dun, a liberal: "His nails were longer than mine, they were manicured, he had a ponytail, and immediately started talking about how I shouldn't smoke because it was bad for the environment."
Note to Kit: You seem to have confused the world "liberal" with the word "douchebag."
3)They treat women as equals
-Dicks. Conservative woman on the prowl, L.A. Holmes, says, "Liberal men, by and large, seem to have forgotten what chivalry is. I don't know if that is a consequence of how they were brought up, the women's lib movement, and all that."
Note to L.A.: Yes, the women's lib movement and "all that." Sorry you can't sit down on the train when your feet hurt because some liberal guy is in your seat, but you might want to thank the women's lib movement for, you know, giving you the opportunity to hold your job at the assignment desk at Fox News Channel.
4)Clintonian socialist entitlement (i.e. "Let's split the check.")
-And I saved the best for last. Moxie, a professional photographer and freelance douchebag, has quite a bit to say about liberals. So much so that she is writing a book. Let's hope her insightful comments into the world of dating liberals is a preview of things to come! Here are some highlights:
•"Sure, I used to date liberals. They were always the ones who had problems with conservative women. So much for the 'open-minded liberal' myth."
•"Liberals were always happy to suggest we split the check; it must be some Clintonian socialist entitlement."
•"[Liberals] also tend to own clothing displaying their irrational fear of Dick Cheney, and/or love of Che Guevara. They are shaggy haired, greasy hipster types you find loitering in the Apple store."
But even Moxie holds out some hope for those poor, shaggy liberals : "Even now, I'd date a decent liberal. If a guy really cares, he should have no problem voting McCain/Rove '08. It will make him feel like a real man."
She added, "Scratching his balls in public would also work."
Full article: http://www.rightwingnews.com/mt331/2008/04/interviewing_six_conservative.php